Monday, February 21, 2011

Yes, these levels exist :)

I read through the French site everyone talks about where they claim to have found a 21st golden egg.

Its true. There are in fact, 22 golden eggs that I have found so far, and I have angry birds on a Droid X. I took some screenshots and put the pics below to show each egg.

Here's the second screen on the golden eggs menu. The top most egg is the 21st. The bottom right egg (the one without the star) is the 22nd egg. Its the accordion level they talk about on the French site. I have no idea how to beat it. The other two pics below are the levels themselves.

The second picture is the 21st eggs level, and the last picture is the 22nd egg (the accordion). If anyone knows how to get the star for this level please leave a comment. Hope this helps!

Heres all the eggs Ive found so far
This is the 21 egg

This is the 22nd egg. No clue how to beat it......

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